Strategic Advisor
Christine Mun serves as the Strategic Advisor to SELAGINE. In this role, she sets and guides the strategy to consistently articulate the SELAGINE mission. Christine also serves as the Assistant Director of the Dry Eye & Ocular GVHD Clinic at University of Illinois at Chicago. She has authored numerous scientific publications regarding pathology and treatment of dry eye diseases. Christine graduated from Loyola University in Chicago with Bachelors in Biological sciences, and Northwestern University in Chicago with Master of Science in Regulatory Compliance (MSRC). She joined the Department of Ophthalmology at University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) as Clinical Research Coordinator and led the implementation of a NEI/National Institutes of Health funded phase I/II clinical trials as well as several Industry Sponsored Trials. Christine has participated in the FDA Pre-Investigational New Drug Application (PIND) meetings to discuss the development plans for an orphan drug. She leads the organizational activities of a national-level meeting in ocular GVHD that receives funding from NEI/NIH.